WTWC - Kapitel 26

”You like him, huh?” I said. It wasn't a question, more like a statement. I saw that she was struggling with the words and she sat down on the reeling again to the little gazebo.
“No, I'm just...” she started and I started to laugh.
“You can't lie about this one. You almost got fake married with him.” I sat down beside her and watched her closely. She looked so small in Harrys blazer and her hair fell down over her face when she was watching her shoes.
“Maybe.” she said and giggled a bit.
“Okay then.” I sighed and gave up a bit.
“The feelings grows every single day. It have been a bit empty without him here.” she admitted and I saw that she was a bit surprised that those words came from her.
“Go on.” I said. “Don't be embarrassed.”
“He makes me happy.” I could hear that she was done talking.
“He does. I can tell that you always smile when he's around.” I said and bumped lightly my arm to her side and she started to laugh. “Why don't you tell him? He's going mad about you when you are not around.” I continued.
“Because I don't think anyone would like me like that.” I saw how low her self confidence was and was a bit surprised by it. She have always been that independent lady but now I saw that it was a shell so she wouldn't get hurt. Was that what Jenny meant?
“You have to see yourself with better eyes, Aly.” I said and sighed and pulled a hand through my hair. “Because right now you are very blinded by what other people have said. You're beautiful just the way you are and it's annoying me that you can't see that. Harry likes you because you're not that super model with the size zero in the closet.” She watched me closely and I smiled.
“Thanks, Zaiiiiiiiiiin.” she said and emphasized the I and I made a face.
“It's Y, Aly!!!” I exclaimed loudly and she started to laugh. “Zayyyyyn.” I said and she tried to but herself together again.
“So, Zayyyn. What is going on between you and Jenny?” she said and I was surprised by the change of subject.
“What do you mean?” I asked and now it was my turn to look down at my shoes.
“Oh, stop it! I tricked Jenny to telling me all about it. Or a bit of it at least. Is it serious?”
“I don't know. We are taking it easy.” I said and smiled lightly.
“Easy? Okay, well then I need you to do me one favor!” she said and watched me closely. “Don't under any circumstances try to snog in front of me, Please!” It wasn't a statement. It was more of a pray and I couldn't help myself but I stated to laugh.
“What are you talking about?” I saw Jenny walking towards us.
“That you should try to not snog in front of me.” Aly said and Jenny raised her eyebrows and now Aly started to laugh. Jenny sat down beside me and I felt her hand searching for mine.
“We haven't talked the three of us all this time. It's pretty depressing.” Jenny said and made a face and I heard Aly sighed on my other side.
“Yeah, it kind of is. Isn't it?” she said. “I'm glad that I've got you guys.”
“I don't think I've said this but you took a little part away from us when you left.” I said and I saw in the corner of my eye that Jenny nodded. “And when you returned I actually feel more myself now than I've ever felt for so many years.” I continued.
“I haven't been able to say this, but I'm so sorry.” her voice sincere and I heard a bit pain in her voice. “I'm so so so sorry.” she said again and sighed. “I didn't have the chance to tell you ten years ago but I didn't realize how much you needed to know what happened til that weekend in the cabin.”
“Don't be sorry for something you couldn't help. You were eight, Aly.” I said and laid my arm around her shoulders. I felt that the mood was so low right now that I had to sheer it up a little. “Now Aly, I think it's time for you to get inside.” I made it pretty clear what was going on when I let my arm fall from Alys shoulders and I could see the panic in her eyes.
“Oh, my...! ZAYYYYYN!” She screamed and started to run the field by tripping on the slippery path back to the house.
“It'll soon begin!” I screamed after her and started to laugh.
“Just hold on a minute!” She screamed and disappeared behind a bush.
“What's going on?” Jenny looked surprised.
“Nothing I think. She's just pretty sensitive with snogging and you and me.”
“Oh,” she said and I watched her while she was thinking but after a while she looked me in the eyes and pulled herself closer with a smirk. “You mean like this?” she said and kissed me slowly. Her lips were soft against mine and after a while we separated.
“Yes, just like that.” I said and smiled. I stroke a strand of hair out of her face.
“Now that we are talking about it. We haven't DTR;d.” she said with a bit of frustration in her voice.
“DTR?” I asked confused.
“Define the relationship.” she said like it was obvious.
“Why didn't you just say that?” I sighed and I wondered why girls have to be so complicated. I saw that she was waiting for me to talk and to be honest with you I had no idea what to say. We haven't been able to talk that much because every time we met it ended in the bed or even worse in the toilet backstage. We had that kind of gravity between us and I feel really good around her. I could just be me with her because she knew my flaws and she had the gut to tell me when something is wrong. That's something Perrie never did because she was afraid of hurting me. Jenny was honest and even if the truth hurts sometimes she delivered. After a few minutes of thinking I watched her a bit tense and her brown hair was a mess because of the wind. “Just call me Zayn Malik aka boyfriend material.” I said with a smirk.
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Yaay, vill läsa mer ! :D <3
Vi kanske kan ha ett länkbyte? :) Älskar din fanfic! :D
Super bra! :D
mer!! :D
Mera !
Sjuktbra !:D
Mer !:D
Mer !!!! Im loving it :p mer!!<33333333:*
du är verkligen duktig på att skriva!
Jättebra meeeeraaaa!!!!!!<3